Here you can have a look at several Historic Textwork pieces made by Kristín Thorgrímsdóttir, the only Contemporary Scribe in Iceland.

Kristín copies all her Textwork by Hand from Icelandic Medieval Manuscripts with 12th to 16th Century Scripts and Letterforms and she adds her own Copies of Medieval Illuminations to some of the work.
Most of her Textwork Pieces are written in Old Icelandic where the ancient Abbreviations have been discyphered. The texts are therefore eazily legible by Modern People.

Quality prints are available of most of the Textwork Pieces shown on the Website.

Special Orders of Handmade Textwork on Paper or Vellum.
Vellum Orders need to be placed at least 6-8 weeks in advance.

From October 2003 through November some of Kristín´s textwork will be Exhibited at the West-Nordic Culture House in Hafnarfjörður.
In June 2004 Kristín will participate in the annual Equinox-Festival by Fjörukráin in Hafnarfjörður where she will market new Unique Textwork Pieces on Vellum. The Guests will get a chance to examine the Tools of the Trade and even try some of them themselves.
Pictures from the Eqinox Festival in Hafnarfjörður, June 2003 and the European Medieval Festival in Horsens, Denmark, August 2002.